I don’t know about you, but it seems like not too long ago, we were gleefully saying to hello to spring. Now its time to say hello to summer. Many people who have been planning a vacation, are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. They’re in vacation mode! If this year,… View Article
If you were told, that you may have heart disease, high blood pressure, or even diabetes, you wouldn’t wait around years to get it treated. If, for example, we are experiencing shortness of breath, or a racing heart, we would immediately seek out help. We would do everything our physician instructed us to do. We… View Article
We all know the saying, “April showers, bring May flowers”. This adage reminds me that sometimes in life, we have to go through some tough times, to come out on the other side, better and stronger. But, knowing that we have challenging times in our forecast, sure makes us hope that the meteorologist is wrong. … View Article
Did you know that every human being that has ever lived or will ever live, have only one thing in common, with another human being? Care to guess what that may be? It is that we, as human beings, were created with uniqueness. Of course, we all have some things in common like, a head,… View Article